Honoring Service: The Fight for Benefits After a Hero’s Death

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  2. Honoring Service: The Fight for Benefits After a Hero’s Death
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After Joe’s death, Rose, as his surviving spouse, was entitled to Joe’s PTD payments for the remainder of her life due to the matter of his death. Rose sent his death certificate to the insurance company that had been providing his PTD benefits, hoping to qualify for spousal benefits. Unfortunately, her claim was denied, prompting Rose to seek legal help to honor her husband’s service and secure the benefits she was entitled to.

Initially, Rose worked with another firm but did not succeed. Determined, she turned to GGRM Law Firm. Upon hearing her story, GGRM decided to take on her case. Rose recalled the challenging process:

“We kept getting denied by the insurance company, and GGRM told me it would take a while to get my benefits.”

Despite these setbacks and her health struggles, including battling COVID-19 in 2021 and undergoing a lung transplant, Rose and the GGRM team persisted.

A Triumph of Determination

After two-and-a-half years of effort, Rose finally received her spousal benefits. “It took some time, but GGRM kept me updated through the entire process, calling me and sending me letters about the case,

Rose explained. “Lisa and her team pulled through for me.”

This story highlights the dedication and determination of GGRM Law Firm to ensure that Joe Skaarup’s legacy of service was honored. Despite numerous obstacles, including court delays due to COVID-19 and Rose’s health issues, the GGRM team remained committed to achieving justice for Rose.

Contact GGRM. We Can Help.

If you or a loved one has been affected by a catastrophic workplace accident or exposure, GGRM will guide you through the workers’ compensation system. Reach out for a free consultation at 702-384-1616 or 775-993-8898.