Common Reasons a Nevada Workers’ Compensation Claim is Denied

  1. Workers' Comp
  2. Common Reasons a Nevada Workers’ Compensation Claim is Denied
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The Nevada workers’ compensation system is designed to help employees who have been injured on the job. The goal is to compensate employees for injuries they sustained doing what was required of their work. However, employers and insurance companies save money when they deny claims. This means that there’s a chance your workers’ compensation claim will be denied. Some common reasons a Nevada workers’ compensation claim is denied include:

Your Claim Was Late

One of the most common reasons a workers’ compensation claim is denied is because it was not timely filed. In Nevada, your claim begins when you file a C-4 form. You must submit this form within 90 days of the date of your injury. Your doctor has to complete parts of the form, so it is not something you can put together at the last minute. It is wise to get the form submitted as soon as possible so as not to jeopardize your claim.

Your Employer Claims You Did Something to Contribute to Your Injury

If you did something that contributed to your accident and injury, then you are not entitled to workers’ compensation. For example, if you were under the influence of alcohol at the time of your accident, you will probably not be eligible for compensation. An insurance company may also try to claim that you were “goofing around” at the time of your accident and that those actions contributed to your injury. You can dispute these claims and show that the accident would have occurred regardless of what you were doing at the time.

Your Employer Disputes Your Version of Events

In some cases, an employer may deny that an accident occurred in the manner you claim it occurred. They might point out what they believe to be discrepancies in your story. It is also especially difficult to prove your version of events when there are no witnesses to your accident. In addition, an employer may claim that your injuries were the result of a pre-existing condition or that your accident did not occur during the scope of your employment.

It is important to discuss the details of your accident only with the people involved in the claims process. If you talk about your accident with your co-workers and other individuals, there is the possibility that your words can be misinterpreted and come across as discrepancies in your story. This can lead to accusations that you are not telling the truth about what happened.

You Fail to Provide Medical Records

It is likely that the insurance company will want to look at your medical records. It may seem intrusive, but they do have a right to look at medical records. They have a right to know if you have any pre-existing conditions that might impact your injuries. If you fail to provide these records and complete all required paperwork, your claim may be denied.

Why Hire an Attorney

If your claim is denied, you can appeal that decision. It can be extremely helpful to have an attorney, even before you file your claim, to help you through the process. An attorney can make sure that your injuries are properly documented and that your application is complete. At GGRM, we have over 50 years of experience helping with workers’ compensation claims. If you’ve been injured at work, call us at 702-710-0542 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.